Calling All Angels to Garden Club tomorrow, Wednesday 9 November 2011, from 3:45- 5 pm at Whitney Recreation Center, 5712 E. Missouri Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89122. Join UNLV Honors Students from Golden Key International Honor Society and the Host of Angels as we juice Pomegranates, apples, and Cactus Fruit, and add some literacy activities to our Garden Club fun!!

If you aren’t able to make it to Garden Club, please join us at the Garden Club Henderson site at 1110 E. Warm Springs Rd. Henderson, NV 89015 as we work to disassemble the new crates we were donated from Repurpose America so we can remake them into raised beds for our gardens! We have two angels from the Host already on site, and more hands make the work faster and more productive, so come out and join us from 1 pm-3 pm for this crate breakdown fun. We will provide many of the tools you need, but if you have tools you can bring, we need power drills, power saws, hammers, and nail pullers for this work. Your help and support are vital to our success, so come on out and lend a hand, Angels! This is a short, sweet event, and we hope you will join us.

If you have any questions, please contact Rhonda K. at, or call 702.460.9261. Thank you, and I’ll see you tomorrow at one of these events, or at an event in the future!

Light and Gratitude–

Rhonda K.