Project AngelFaces Creates Infrastructure for
Simple, Sustainable, Social Change
Simple, easy systems for collecting non-animal organic matter (kitchen scraps and shredded landscape refuse) from families, homes,and small businesses for the purposes of diverting waste from the landfill and to create organic compost. Using repurposed materials, we collect and compost these materials and create our own nutrition to feed our gardens.
Participants agree to pay a nominal fee for collecting their compostable materials. Additionally, it is agreed that no animal matter whatsoever can be included in the collection, along with other important do’s and don’ts of composting. It is also agreed that participants will spend a minimum time of once a quarter of volunteering with the Host of Angels, turning the compost. The tools we use are a fuel efficient work truck, repurposed pallets to create composting areas, small-batch compost tumblers, small bobcat type skid steer loaders, shovels, repurposed compost collection tubs, large repurposed sifters, and the dedication and labor of our workers and volunteers. In the near future, we will employ the use of the rocket A1200 industrial scale composting machine.
Homeowners, Families, Small Business
Sustainable-minded individuals, families, and small businesses who wish to reduce their waste by composting.
Dedicated Support
Provided by the staff of Project AngelFaces, along with volunteers, who transport the collected raw compost to the nearest composting station, and coordinate the composting process. The staff and volunteers from the Host of Angels work and turn, then distribute the finished compost to the various Gardens of Project AngelFaces seasonally.
Partnering Agencies
Provide sites upon which composting stations are located, in conjunction with the larger-scale Community Support Programs. Partnering agencies also lend consistent support in the form of donating equipment, materials, labor, and expertise to the process when necessary.