3 December 2011

767 Rossmore Drive

Las Vegas, NV  89110

Enchanted Garden Party Benefit for Project AngelFaces needs 12 volunteers from 1 pm-6 pm. Join us in the magical garden of Norm Schilling Horticulture Group for our first ever big benefit! Project AngelFaces will introduce our work to the general public, host a silent auction, provide live music from the family of Blue Man musicians, local fresh tea and refreshments, and host a children’s garden tour.

Volunteers will assist in hosting, greeting, collecting ticketing fees, conducting silent auction, maintaining the space, serving tea and finger foods, assist for the children’s garden tour led by Norm Schilling, and pass out gift bags. 1 pm orientation call, 6 pm load out. Many hands are needed and much appreciated. This will be a fantastic and fun event; we hope you will join us! Thank you so much for sharing your time and volunteering to support our work! Project AngelFaces creates systems for sustainable social change by sharing fresh fruits and vegetables with elders and youth, teaching organic gardening skills, and practicing waste prevention. At Project AngelFaces, we believe in the abundance of our world, and we practice the art of sharing it. We appreciate you sharing some of yourself and your time with us, very much. Contact me if you have any questions. Thank you again!