Hello Angels! I hope to see you all this week at one or both of our events in our Community Support Program! We have two to choose from, one from each of our Community Support Programs: Garden Club at Whitney Recreation Center, and Garden Building at New Vista Garden of Project AngelFaces!
On Wednesday, May 18th, from 4-5 pm at Whitney Recreation Center we have Garden Club, located at 5712 E. Missouri Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89122, in the area of Russell and the 95 in Henderson. Call the Rec Center at 702.455.7576 for directions. Children are welcome to join us at all Garden Club events. This Garden Club we will be working with Apricots and having a delicious time! Join us for the fun!!! The Garden Club Community Support Program of Project AngelFaces is playful discovery of healthful nutrition for at-risk youth ages 6-12.
Next, on Saturday, May 21st, from 9 am – 1 pm, we will have a garden building event at New Vista Garden of Project AngelFaces, located at 7875 N. Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89131. This garden is located on the property of New Vista Ranch, on the corner of N. Rainbow and Grand Teton, in the far northwest area of the valley. We will be continuing to work on completing the transformation of this garden’s expansion, to include: weeding, grass removal, repair and installation of raised bed boxes, moving existing dirt into garden area and into boxes, and completing the irrigation lines. We will also be labeling the existing plants in the first 5 beds that are planted with plants/seeds, and, if we have a sizable enough crew, planting some trees that I have grown from seed for this garden (this is your extra incentive to join us, so we can get these trees into the ground!!). We will be joined by folks from the Master Gardeners, and from the Air Force, and YOU!! Many hands make light work for all, so please tell your friends, and come on out to join us for the fun work of building this garden and growing this program. This garden serves the folks who live in New Vista Community, a benefit for those who live with developmental disability such as Down’s syndrome, mental retardation, fetal alcohol syndrome, Prader-Willie, syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, and other developmental disabilities. Please join us in service to this under-served population of our fellow citizens, to improve their quality of life through this garden program. Please no children under 10 for safety reasons. Please bring protection from the elements: long pants, sunscreen, sun hat, sunglasses, water bottle, handkerchief, gloves, and closed toed shoes. Water-bottle refills and snacks will be provided. Limited carpool is available, don’t hesitate to ask for a ride, as I love to save resources and carpool! Call me at 702.460.9261 if you have questions or need a ride. I hope to see many of you angels at these events! Thank you for your support of this great work! See you this week!! Light and Gratitude– Rhonda K.
Hi Rhonda! I met you at satsung last night! Such a beautiful project you have! I know this gentleman in the front! I know you are busy but I would like to get some information from you on having my ladies volunteer to plant or harvest somewhere once per month if possible! They would LOVE it! Thanks you! Beautiful job and Namaste!
Hello Fawn! It was so wonderful to meet your community at Satsung, and I would love to have your ladies volunteer once a month for Project AngelFaces!
In what area of town do most of you live? I have gardens and programs throughout and all over the valley, and I would like to schedule you to support the program that is most conveniently located to you; it saves time and other resources. Please message me off post at rhondak@projectangelfaces.org, and we can work out all the details!
I thank you for your support, and I look forward to meeting with you and your ladies soon. Maybe we’ll see each other during this Friday’s 24 meditation at Baba’s! Enjoy your day, Fawn! Let’s talk soon!